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Arrested in Hungary

Arrested in Hungary

One of the most important things to keep in mind when taken into custody is to remain silent. One is detained when the authorities take that person into custody. The authorities take someone into custody if the person is suspected of having committed a criminal...
Child support in Hungary

Child support in Hungary

Parents may often feel that the child support system is one-sided when it comes to the paying parent. In the absence of an agreement between the parents, the courts will determine the amount in Hungary. The amount to be awarded is based on a system prescribed by...
Child custody in Hungary

Child custody in Hungary

Parental custody covers the right to choose  the minor child’s name, to provide care to, to determine the child’s place of residence, to handle his/her financial affairs, including the representation of the child in any case that may arise. This encompasses...
Arrested in Hungary

Divorce in Hungary

A marriage in Hungary may only be terminated by the courts. The court may grant divorce at the request of either or both spouses if their marriage has completely and irreversibly broken down.  The marriage shall be considered to have broken down if the...